Just like the deadly Haiti earthquake which killed thousands of people, the 'same' thing happened here.
Ini bukan WW laa (Reuters) - The capital of PanamaRox was rocked by the force of MY at 8pm on Saturday with a magnitude of 7.0 on the Hammer Scale. The whole city collapsed from 1112 to 0 within seconds upon impact along with its inhabitants.
“Everything was shaking, walls and buildings crumbled, huge clouds of dust surrounded the air, troops were screaming for their lives," said Sacastik who was the last one to left the scene of devastation.
The capital's hammer which was out hiding was not to be spared when it became homeless and thus died out in the cold. One looter even managed to nick out the But Berkuasa during the chaos.
Many world leaders are sympathizing with the victim and offered help. However, relief efforts and aid cannot be delivered because there were no survivor and city left ! In the aftermath of the quake, s3 saw one of the worst devastation that ever occurred.
Well, nothing is predictable in this world and disaster can struck anytime & anywhere. So just be prepared for anything in life. You never know what's coming.

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