Residence/Palace defense bonus
Level = Defense Value
1 = 2
2 = 8
3 = 18
4 = 32
5 = 50
6 = 72
7 = 98
8 = 128
9 = 162
10 = 200
11 = 242
12 = 288
13 = 338
14 = 392
15 = 450
16 = 512
17 = 578
18 = 648
19 = 722
20 = 800
Lets say Istana 20 (800) + Pagar Kubu 20 (64%bonus*800=512) = 1312
1312 is the equivalent of 20 PP
Your hero need to have more than 1312 serangan value in order to survive my Level 20 Residen/Istana + Level 20 wall alone.
So the recommended hero serangan should not be less than 2000 in order to go solo.
Happy Reviving !

saja nak bagi wira naik level ke?